Why Is My Heat Pump Blowing Cold Air?

If you’ve turned on the heat in your home only to find out that cold air is being circulated instead, you may wonder, “why is my split system blowing cold air?”. Take a moment to double-check that the thermostat is set to HEAT, not COOL – this is a common mistake, and turning the switch might do the trick.

Furthermore, examining other components of your heat pump system, such as the wiring or outdoor unit, may be necessary. If the problem persists, these further inspection steps should be performed by a professional who specializes in HVAC systems.

Pump Blowing Cold Air

When heat pumps blow out cold air, sometimes, it’s a sign that you may have a refrigerant line with a leak. It’s important to recognize the signs of this kind of problem, including short cycles where your system turns off and on more frequently than usual, and an increase in the household’s humidity levels. Another common symptom of the refrigerant line leak is the outdoor coils freezing up.

If this happens, your heat pump will need to work much harder, significantly increasing utility costs. For safety reasons and regulatory compliance, all leaking refrigerant lines should be handled by a qualified, certified specialist. Be cautious as dealing with refrigerants without proper training can be hazardous.

My Heat Pump Blowing Cold Air

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